From a webinar Streamed live on Jan 24, 2024– A recent report from the World Economic Forum in Davos warns that climate change could lead to millions of deaths in the coming decades, alongside a surge in serious illnesses that will strain healthcare systems globally.

This alarming news hits particularly close to home for East and Southern Africa (ESAR), where the impacts of climate change are already being acutely felt. The ESAR Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) media dialogue, held virtually on January 24th, 2024, addressed this critical issue.

Climate Change’s Devastating Impact on Health

The dialogue focused on six key consequences of climate change highlighted in the World Economic Forum report, all of which are already a grim reality in ESAR, Floods, Droughts, Heatwaves, Tropical storms and cyclones, and El Niño events Forest fires

These events contribute to a rise in various health problems, including Infectious diseases Respiratory illnesses, Malnutrition and Mental health issues

Expert Insights and Media Guidance

The dialogue featured valuable insights from experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), the IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Centre (ICPAC), and a climate-health nexus advocate. Additionally, the session offered tips for media professionals on effectively reporting on this complex issue and ensuring the public understands the gravity of the situation.

Call to Action

The ESAR RCCE media dialogue serves as a crucial call to action. By raising awareness about the health threats posed by climate change, fostering collaboration between various stakeholders, and promoting responsible reporting, we can work towards a healthier future for all, particularly those in vulnerable regions like ESAR.

Include a call to action for the audience, such as urging them to contact their representatives or learn more about climate-resilient practices.

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