In the early hours of Friday, August 2, 2024, tragedy struck the Alpha Terrace, Calaba Town community when two houses collapsed, resulting in the deaths of four individuals and leaving seven others in critical condition. The incident occurred around 4:00 am, bringing devastation and sorrow to the area.
Among the deceased are a nursing mother, her baby, and two other children, whose lives were abruptly cut short. The injured victims, who sustained severe injuries, are currently receiving urgent medical treatment at a nearby hospital.
Family members of the victims have expressed their deep grief and frustration, citing structural issues as the primary cause of the collapse. They allege that the fence surrounding the houses lacked necessary pillars, leading to its eventual failure. According to the family members, this neglect in construction compromised the integrity of the fence, making the collapse inevitable.
In a further twist to the tragic event, the family members accuse the property owner of exacerbating their distress by involving the police when they sought answers regarding the tragedy. They claim that instead of providing support and answers, the property owner called the police to handle their inquiries.
Moreover, the grieving families allege that the police are demanding a payment of Le2,000 for the release of each body for burial. This demand is causing additional anguish, particularly for the Muslim families who urgently need to proceed with the burial rites in accordance with their religious customs.
As the community grapples with the aftermath of this disaster, questions about the construction standards and accountability of property owners are at the forefront. The grieving families and community members are calling for a thorough investigation into the incident and for justice to be served
Local authorities and emergency response teams are currently on the scene, assessing the damage and providing necessary assistance to the affected families. The community of Calaba Town is united in mourning, as they come to terms with the loss of four lives and the critical condition of seven others.
This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the importance of adhering to construction standards and ensuring the safety of residential structures. As the investigation unfolds, the community hopes for answers and measures to prevent such a disaster from occurring again in the future